Clayton County Public Schools Withdrawal Process Steps
Clayton County Public Schools wishes your child(ren) the very best during the transition to a new school. CCPS has an easy to utilize and secure online process that will allow parent(s)/legal guardian(s)/caretaker(s) to complete the form required to complete the withdrawal from school.
Once you complete and submit the online withdrawal form, you will be contacted by a school representative to verify your ID and to provide you with any additional information necessary to complete the withdrawal from school.
As a reminder, only the enrolling parent(s)/legal guardian(s)/caretaker(s) may complete the withdrawal process.
- The parent will complete and submit the online Intent to Withdraw Form.
- Upon completion of the withdrawal form by the parent/guardian/caretaker, the school registrar or other school personnel will review the form.
- The school registrar or other school personnel will contact the parent to set up a virtual meeting to verify the identity of the withdrawing parent/guardian/caretaker and provide the additional steps required to complete the withdrawal process.
- After verifying the identity of the withdrawing parent/guardian/caretaker and providing the additional steps to complete the withdrawal process, the school registrar or other school personnel will begin to prepare the electronic withdrawal packet.
- The additional steps following the virtual interview by registrar or other school personnel are to: review the Intent to WIthdraw Form and the identification of the withdrawing parent/guardian/caretaker, explain the submission of the official withdrawal application through the parent portal and to explain the process for the return of technology, text books, library books, etc. issued to the child(ren) while attending school.
- Upon receipt of the official withdrawal request through the parent portal, receipt of all technology, books, and other school issued items, the registrar or other school personnel will email the parent/guardian/caretaker informing them that the withdrawal is complete.
- The school will finalize the withdrawal process by securely emailing the withdrawal form.
- An Enrollment Verification Form will also be included in this email. This form should be completed by the student’s new school and returned to the last CCPS school of attendance.