Middle School Counseling
Mrs. Lorme, Middle School Counselor
ext. 599124
Mrs. Allende-Ortiz, Guidance Secretary/Attendance Clerk
ext. 599130
When arriving for your appointment, ALL students must sign in with the Guidance Secretary, at her desk, prior to meeting with the Guidance Counselor. This includes scheduled appointments and walk-ins.
Please note: Appointments, classroom guidance lessons, and emergencies take priority over walk-ins.
How to request a Middle School Transcript
1.) Complete a transcript request form (this form can be found in the middle school guidance counselor office).
2.) Check the type of transcript and indicate the total number of transcripts you are requesting.
3.) Include the name of the school making the request and their complete physical address.
*Official transcripts will not be given directly to students or parents. Official copies must be mailed to the school requesting the transcript.
*Unofficial transcripts may be picked up by students and parents.
* Only grades from the previous school year are included on the transcripts, current term will not be included.