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Application and Eligibility

Applications for the 2024-2025 school year are closed. Applications for the 2025-2026 school year will be accepted November 1 - December 3, 2024. The School Choice application for Magnet Programs is online. Please visit the link below to complete the application process.  For questions regarding the Magnet Program and School Choice application process, online portal, and lottery, please contact the School Choice or Magnet Programs offices via email School Choice Email or Magnet Programs Email, by phone at 770.473.2700, or visit the CCPS Magnet Programs and School Choice website listed below. 
Online application link

CCPS Magnet Programs and School Choice Site

Elite Scholars Academy Criteria and Requirements:
Every student in the early college academic magnet program is required to meet specific academic and behavior guidelines. Upon entering the program, parents and students sign a magnet contract stating that, in order to remain in the program, the guidelines must be met.

Middle School Eligibility:
*Sibling preference is not granted for this program
1.) Sixth through eighth grade students are required to score proficient or above in mathematics and reading on the Georgia Milestones Assessment or equivalent
2.) Two online recommendations completed
3.) Discipline infractions may impact final acceptance into the program

High School Eligibility: 
*Sibling preference is not granted for this program
1st Priority – 9th Grade
• 3.0 GPA
• 96% Attendance
• Foreign Language I* Completion
• Algebra I* Completion
• Physical Science Honors* or Biology
Honors* Completion
• Two online recommendations
• Discipline infractions may impact
final acceptance into the program

2nd Priority – 9th Grade
• 3.0 GPA
• 96% Attendance
• High School Science Completion
• Algebra I* Completion
• Any additional high school credit course
• Two online recommendations
• Discipline infractions may impact final
acceptance into the program

10th Grade
In order to be considered for lottery, all current 9th grade students must show successful completion of the following courses by the end of 9th grade. All students must also have an overall 3.0 GPA.
• Math – Algebra I* and Geometry*
• Science – Physical Science* and
• Foreign Language* – 2 years of foreign
• Social Studies* - any high school course
• English – 9th Grade Literature

All students must be on track to have earned
between 8th and 9th grade nine (9) or ten (10)
high school credits.
• Two online recommendations
• Discipline infractions may impact final
acceptance into the program

At the end of the semester, the student will be placed on probation if he or she has not met the required standards. At the end of the second semester, the student will be dismissed from the program if the required standards still have not been met. Two or more classes (academic or elective) failed will result in immediate dismissal from the program. Elite Scholars Academy has a different schedule than that of other schools in Clayton County Public Schools. As a result, students who are dismissed before the semester or parents who withdraw their student before the end of the semester must meet with the school counselor to determine the impact of leaving during Elite Scholars Academy's academic year.

Failure to meet the expectations listed below will result in the student being placed on probation for the remainder of the school year. The student/parent will be required to provide an excuse for all subsequent tardies or absences according to the Georgia State Board Rule JB and O.C.G.A. 160-5-1-10. Students who fail to meet this expectation will be dismissed from the program.

Conduct Expectations:
1.) Abide by the student code of conduct as outlined in the CCPS Parent/Student handbook
2.) Three or more level 1 infraction referrals may result in probation for the remainder of the school year.
3.) Level 2-4 infractions may result in immediate dismissal from the program
A student can be placed on probation if any of the above requirements are not met. If any of the offenses listed above is violated other than the offense for which your student is being placed on probation, dismissal from the program will occur. If the same is violated for which the student was placed on probation, dismissal will occur based on the following: Five unexcused absences or tardiness on ten occasions following probation for attendance reasons, one discipline referral reported to the administrative staff following probation for attendance reasons.